In a world that craves capable and ethical leadership, the significance of the latest course creation by Bishop John Francis cannot be overstated.
BIshop John Francis. Staying The Course.
With the launch of his latest course, we wanted to delve into the essence of leadership and the unique insights this assignment brings to the forefront and discover why this course holds the key to not only understanding leadership's intricacies but also embodying its principles in a world that yearns for integrity and purpose.
Why was the 'Walking In Your Assignment' course written, and who is the ideal audience that you envision benefiting most from taking this course?
I have found over the years that there are a lot of people, not just Christians, who are unclear of what their purpose or assignment in life is.
When I originally wrote the book, it was aimed at Christians but there are tools and principles that anyone can benefit from when reading the book, especially from attending the 'Walking in Your Assignment' Course.
If a person has ever asked these questions - Why am I here? What is my purpose? Does God have a plan for me? What do I do now? Where do I fit? Or a similar question, then they will benefit from attending the 'Walking in Your Assignment' Course!
What does it mean to "Walk In Your Assignment" and why is it important in one's life?
When a person walks into their assignment, they have found what makes them tick, their passion.
They have discovered what gives their life meaning and direction. I believe that every human being on the planet has a reason to be here - an assignment for their life.
The unfortunate thing is that most of us never discover what it is, so life feels unfulfilled, tedious and laboured. This is why it's so important to know what your assignment or your purpose is because it gives your life value and a sense of lasting accomplishment.
How does the concept of finding one's purpose and destiny relate to the idea of walking in your God-given assignment?
Mmmmm... the concept of purpose and destiny.
In a nutshell, I suppose I would say that when you are sure of your purpose and destiny and act on it in a purposeful way, then you are walking in your assignment!
Can you share a personal experience or story of a time when you felt like something was missing in your life, and how did you go about finding your purpose?
I can't think of a specific personal experience but I do know that over the years I have been in situations where I have noticed 'gaps' that others often didn't see or ignored and I decided or felt strongly that this was something I should or I could do or change.
The result was that in those situations I discovered or sometimes stumbled into my purpose for that chapter in my life.
Why do some people struggle to discover their assignment in life, and what are the consequences of not fulfilling this purpose?
There are many reasons why some people struggle to discover their assignment - unaware that they have an assignment or that their life has value, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, fear, life challenges, trauma, surroundings or upbringing not being conducive to their success in life, peer pressure are just some that I can think of.

The 'Walking in Your Assignment' course helps individuals to weed through all that stuff so they can arrive at a place where they can finally see their future clearly and what their assignment is in life.
I don't think I see consequences, I see wasted lives who haven't reached their full potential and I find that sad.
What role does faith or spirituality play in the journey of discovering and walking in one's assignment?
I believe that faith and spirituality play a big part in our journey of discovery, especially for us as Christians - we are body, soul and spirit, so our connection to God, who is a Spirit gives a unique insight into who we are and what we are here to do.
Are there any practical steps or strategies you can recommend for individuals seeking to uncover their God-given assignment?
There are practical steps that individuals can follow:
Read your Bible daily;
Focus and meditate on what you have read;
Follow God's instructions;
Be prayerful.
These are just the basics but there are other steps that we look at in more depth on the 'Walking in Your Assignment' course.
How does "Walking In Your Assignment" relate to living a life of joy, abundance and fulfilment?
That's easy! When you are 'Walking in Your Assignment' you know you are doing what you're meant to be doing in life so you feel fulfilled and when you feel fulfilled you have joy, happiness and peace.
I'm not saying life is all plain sailing - it's just much easier to cope with changes, challenges and the stuff life throws at you when you know who you are and what you're here to do.
Can you provide examples of individuals who have found and embraced their assignments, leading to significant positive changes in their lives and the lives of others?
I would say most of the inventors in history - Sir James Dyson, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Henry Ford, Albert Einstein - Look them up!
They have a very important factor that we all have to deal with when discovering our assignment - failure! The important thing is not to give up.
We also shouldn't forget the Generals in history who forged ahead with the gospel in their day - Billy Graham, Smith Wigglesworth, Charles Harrison Mason, Kathryn Kuhlman, William J Seymour - I could go on... They all have a unique story to tell!
What role does divine guidance or Holy Spirit-inspired truth play in this journey, and how can individuals tap into it?
Pursuing this journey to discover your assignment has a lot to do with life choices and lifestyle.
To realise your full potential, one has to be open to the divine, i.e. to the sovereignty of the Almighty God and His Holy Spirit.
This openness leads to a willingness to obey directions given in His Word, His laws and His will for us.
How can someone begin their journey towards walking in their assignment today, regardless of their current circumstances or life stage?
To begin your assignment journey today, start working on your mindset.
Sometimes we trip ourselves up with our negative thought processes. We sabotage our own potential with negative self-talk.
We decide that we've already lost or failed before we've even started. The Bible says that
"For as he thinks in His heart; so is he" - Proverbs 23:7.
So start thinking differently and your journey has begun!
Having written the course, what significant insights or changes in perspective about leadership have you personally gained from the experience?
What I have found is that I check myself more often - I want to ensure that I'm still walking in my assignment. Have I wandered off course? Have I lost focus? Have I been negatively influenced?
I've also noticed that I really don't like time wasters. Time is a valuable commodity which we should see as a precious gift and not take for granted.

The other thing it is important to realise is that every leader is unique and their assignment should be respected and honoured. We all have a contribution to make.

Where can individuals access copies of the course, and which social media handles should they follow to gather more information about it?
The website for the course is
You can also find out more about the course either via my YouTube channel (linked here) or the Facebook page.
As Bishop Francis remains diligently engaged in meetings both within the UK and on the international stage, we extend our heartfelt gratitude for his valuable time and thoughtful responses to these questions, enriching our post.
You can keep up with Bishop Francis on X (formerly Twitter) where he's @BishopJFrancis or through Instagram or Facebook.
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