As a relatively new business owner, I'm incredibly proud of all my achievements that have led me to this point.
Most of my career has been spent working for someone else. Whether that's some of the largest news and media organisations in the world, or smaller non-profits trying to make the world a better place.
Each one of those experiences has taught me something that I carried into starting P45 Consultancy. I've met some amazing people of all races, cultures and genders.
We worked hard together, laughed together and struggled together, but each one of us contributed to our success because we showed our worth. We did so with integrity and humility and, more importantly, we were visible.
From the top of the corporate ladder to the bottom rung, I've met people who have inspired me and all played an important role in how I run my business today, but not everyone is represented equally.
I want to make it my mission to do more not just within Marketing but improving female visibility across all industries. Are you with me?
Female Visibility & Why It Needs Improving
As you would have probably expected, most of the people I've worked with, especially in the larger organisations have been men, but that isn't to say that women don't have the same amount, if not more, to offer. Far from it.
As a proud, independent woman, I believe that promoting greater female visibility in the workplace is not only good for our society as a whole, it's good for business. Yours, mine and everyone else's, but how do we do that?
How do we create a prosperous business environment where more women are seen as equals, respected and validated by their competencies and not defined by just their gender?
Using my own experiences, I've put together ten things you can do to help you, but before I get onto those, let's first get ourselves on the same page.
What Does Visibility Mean?
When I talk about visibility, what am I talking about? Visibility, at least in this context, doesn't just mean being seen.
It's not about your colleagues just knowing where you sit, wearing bright colours to be noticed or being the 'loud one' in the office, but you do have to make sure people know who you are for the right reasons.
For those of you looking to increase your own visibility, then it's your responsibility to make sure that the powers that be know what you do and, more importantly, what you can do. How will anyone know that you're capable of in the future if they don't know what you do now?
We all know that, in a perfect world, everyone would be recognised for their efforts and hard work automatically pays off. We also all know that it doesn't work like that.
I also appreciate that 'bigging' yourself up to others can be difficult, but you're going to have to get comfortable with it (more on that later). If you can't tell people why you're the best, then who else is going to?
This is especially true when we move towards a more 'remote first' way of working. If you're working remotely or in a less populated office environment, you will have to shout even louder to be heard, literally and figuratively.
The bottom line is that visibility is what creates opportunities for everyone to succeed, especially you. Let's start our 10 ways to increase your visibility with....
#1 Use Your Time Effectively
Whether you're running your own business or you're part of a larger corporate machine, use every minute you have wisely. Use every opportunity you have to shine brighter than anyone else.
Whether you're in meetings with colleagues, suppliers, higher management or anyone in a work capacity, use that time to project yourself well.
If there's a problem to be solved, be the one to step up and try and offer answers. Even if others have the floor, be ready to come in with something that adds additional value.
I'm not talking about hogging the limelight for the sake of it or hijacking meetings with your own agenda, but making sure you're heard with professionalism and positivity and let others see you can thrive in the spotlight whenever it's shone your way.
#2 Network To Get Work
Networking has always been an effective way for business people to improve their visibility within their industry sector and that's no different today, and it's especially true for women.

By attending industry events, participating in trade shows and connecting with others in your specific industry, incredible businesswomen like you can build strong relationships and establish themselves as leaders in their field.
If there's a list of attendees available, spend a little time researching LinkedIn to find out who they are, what they've done and look for commonalities you can use as conversation starters.
Once there, have some conversations ready and don't be afraid to orbit those who can be advantageous to you.
#3 Keep People Updated
This one's probably more suited to those of you working as an employee rather than a business owner, but always worth mentioning regardless.
When you find yourself in meetings with your colleagues and management team, don't be shy about keeping everyone updated with what you've been doing.
This isn't about bragging or 'empire building', but you should get used to sharing what you've been doing and, more importantly, how you've done it.
To ensure you're offering updates in the right tone, always remember to base them around three things and consider;
Action - Describe the actions you did / are taking? Use this to share more of the 'how' rather than the 'what'.
Context - What lead you to taking this action? What were the challenges you faced along the way?
Results - What did you achieve? Don't rely on just the primary results, but also consider secondary factors (i.e. new company procedures, new contacts you met, improved morale in the team, cheaper products or improved rates). The more impact you can show that you made, the more visible you'll become.
#4 Create Great Content
Content creation is a powerful way for businesses to improve their visibility within their industry sector.
People are always looking for new, unique and engaging content. It can be like a magnet to attract visitors (and therefore customers) whether that's through blogging, long and short-form video, social media or photography.
If you're a creative, then great content can be a beacon to showcase your talents to the world and increase your visibility over time.
By creating valuable and relevant content, businesses can also establish themselves as experts in their field.
Creating great content can include those things mentioned above, but it's not limited to those. You could also think about publishing white papers on topics related to your industry and anything that helps increase your profile. People LOVE content so don't be shy to get those creative juices flowing.
By consistently producing unique, high-quality content, businesses can build a huge following, increase their online presence and firmly establish themselves as thought leaders in their industry. Speaking of which....
#5 Become A Thought Leader
Thought leadership involves positioning a business (or individual in this case) as a leading expert in their industry and we need more female leaders in EVERY industry.
Being a thought leader doesn't HAVE to mean being in a leadership role, but can just as easily include speaking at conferences, writing blogs, publishing research / articles or conducting webinars. People need to know you're an authority in whatever industry you're working. They'll be attracted to your knowledge, insight and viewpoint.
By establishing yourself as a thought leader, women can massively increase their visibility, attract more customers and build a reputation as a trusted authority in their industry.
#6 Take All The Credit You Can
It's not uncommon for us as women (or even humans in general) to let others take credit whilst shying away from taking it for ourselves, but that doesn't help anyone.
Wherever you have made an impact, demonstrated your value or made a tangible difference, make sure those that need to know do!
Your direct manager might be aware, but chances are many others in higher leadership won't be. If you don't tell them, how will they know?
Part of an increase in visibility is developing your own reputation and humbly taking credit for all the incredible work you do.
#7 Become More Social
Social media has become a powerful tool for businesses large and small to improve their visibility and reach their target audience no matter where they are.
By consistently posting relevant and engaging content, businesses can build a following on social media platforms, increase their online presence and engage with their customers.
Social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn offer anyone the opportunity to reach peers, colleagues and those in positions of power much more easily.
If you have a unique insight into your sector, share it; comment on other people's posts, utilise hashtags and connect with those with larger followings. Show the world you're ready to be taken seriously using only your smartphone.
#8 Ask for Projects
When looking to increase your own visibility, sometimes you have to venture out of your comfort zone and one of the best ways to do that is to ask for, or move into, any highly visible projects that align with your own personal brand.

When you're in a meeting, networking or collaboration space, keep your eyes and ears open for opportunities that you can utilise and benefit from your expertise.
Having the opportunity to be seen by others who may not be aware of what you can bring to their table can be hugely advantageous.
It's now time to sell yourself. Tell them why you'd be great, what you can offer and what experiences you've had.
Make sure they can offer any support you might need; this isn't the time to add any more to your already full plate, but any chance to offer leadership, mentorship or business knowledge to high visibility project will pay dividends to you.
#9 Collaboration & Sponsorship
Increasing your own professional visibility doesn't just have to be a solo experience. The saying that 'the more, the merrier' is just as relevant here.
Collaborating with other businesses or sponsoring events can be another effective way for businesswomen to improve their visibility within their own industry sector.
By partnering with complementary businesses or sponsoring events that reach their (and your) target audiences, businesses can reach new audiences and increase their exposure.
Industry partnerships are strategic alliances between businesses in the same industry. Finding businesses who share your values and ethos can be a great way to help each other.
These partnerships can help businesses reach new audiences, build brand awareness and increase their visibility within the industry.
#10 Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
If you're not one for shouting about your own achievements or feathering your own nest, then increasing your visibility can be a struggle.
If you've read this blog and shuddered at the thought of putting yourself out there so blatantly, then it can be hard, if not impossible, to get that visibility. If that's you, then I've got some bad news for you, you're going to have to get comfortable being uncomfortable.
I completely appreciate that talking about how great you are and going out of your comfort zone can be difficult, but if you don't do it, who will?
You can do it, but it takes a little practice. Practice your delivery with your kids, talk to your partner, rehearse your lines in the car or in front your mirror at home. Talk about what you've done, what you can do, the experience you can bring and all the amazing things you've achieved with anyone who'll listen, even if that's only you!
Saying it out loud and honing your personal brand when no-one is listening makes doing it when there is so much easier.
Once you start to feel more comfortable with saying it out loud, make it part of your weekly routine. You'll have personal development goals and business goals, so make it one of those.
Not only will they help with your confidence but being able to say it out loud and crafting your personal narrative will give you an ego boost just to hear everything you can offer. The more you do it, the more comfortable you'll be and that's a huge win!
"She surveys a field and acquires it; from her own resources, she plants a vineyard. She works energetically; her arms are powerful". - Proverbs 31:16-17
Improving visibility should be about women in general being able to be seen in business and taken seriously, particularly when managing a small business.
Women should also be seen as equal in business as long as they’re competent, and that’s how they should be judged, incompetency not on gender.
I completely understand that many of these exercises can take a little time and effort to get comfortable with and not all of them will work for everyone in every situation, but start slow and build up. Select the ones that are more suited to your own circumstances and practice.
If you invest a little time and a little energy in pushing yourself, it'll pay off big time. Your contributions will be recognised, your opinions will be discussed and your visibility will be seen by everyone who matters. #BelieveInSuccess..... especially yours!
I hope you've enjoyed reading this blog. If you have, please give it a 'Like' and consider sharing it with your own networks. I'd love to know how you've increased your own visibility in your own sector? Did any of these tops help you or do you have your own that you'd like to share with our community. Let us know in the comments below.
If you're looking for any help with your professional or personal brand strategy to help elevate your own visibility, then take a look at our dedicated page on how we can help you and then please get in touch using the form below and let's have a conversation.
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