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Breaking Through The Glass Ceiling

Writer: Beverley WhiteBeverley White

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

The so-called 'glass ceiling' has long been a barrier for women aspiring to reach the top levels of the corporate ladder.

For women, like me, and all those incredible and ambitious women of any ethnicity around the world, this barrier can be even more formidable, as we all face the intersectional challenges of gender and racial discrimination.

Is Breaking Through The Glass Ceiling Possible?

For those of you not familiar with the phrase, the 'glass ceiling' is a colloquial term that refers to a metaphorical barrier that prevents people from being promoted to managerial and/or C-level positions within an organisation.

Even though you can see through it and visualise what's above it, you can't reach beyond it, no matter how hard you try..... or can you?

The phrase is more commonly used to describe the difficulties faced by Black women and ethnic minorities when trying to move to higher roles in a typically male-dominated corporate culture, who don't seem to experience the barrier at all.

The barrier itself is most often unwritten and unofficial, which means that those affected are more likely to be limited or restricted from advancing professionally through accepted norms and implicit biases, rather than any defined corporate policies or their own skillset.

However, despite these obstacles that have been in place for decades, many black women have shattered the glass ceiling and risen to prominent positions in the business world.

I'm not too proud to say that I count myself in those numbers, but for all of its successes, there are a plethora of those still fighting their way up.

In this blog, I want to explore how women can overcome the glass ceiling and achieve success in their professional lives by highlighting the best thing about who we are..... ourselves.

1. Embrace Education and Skills Development

One of the key factors in breaking through the glass ceiling is the acquisition of knowledge and skills.

Women can enhance their chances of advancement by pursuing higher education and continued professional development opportunities. The phrase 'every day is a school day' has never been more important.

By obtaining advanced degrees, certifications, or specialised training, they can demonstrate their expertise and commitment to their chosen field.

This not only provides them with a competitive edge but also helps to dispel any stereotypes or biases that may be held against them.

Continued professional development not only shows your intelligence, it's a clear statement that you want to improve yourself and, by extension, the business in which you work.

Building Strong Networks and Relationships

Networking is an essential aspect of business and a really strong weapon to have in your arsenal when it comes to career advancement.

Anyone women, in particular, can benefit greatly from establishing strong connections with their peers, mentors and industry leaders.

By attending conferences, industry events, and local business meet-ups and joining professional trade organisations, you can expand your network and gain access to a raft of valuable resources, job opportunities and mentorship.

If you find yourself feeling a bit directionless, then mentors can provide fantastic guidance, support and advice based on their own experiences, helping women navigate the many challenges the corporate world can bring.

Be An Advocate for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

In a world where DE&I are playing a larger role in corporate strategy, black women can play an active and important role in promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within their own organisations.

By standing up and voicing your perspectives and experiences, we all contribute to creating a more inclusive workplace environment that finally starts to value diversity.

Black woman looking at post-it notes on a wall

You can also join or initiate employee resource groups that focus on the advancement of women and people of colour and work towards implementing policies and initiatives that address gender and racial disparities.

Taking an active role in promoting diversity not only benefits Black women themselves but also paves the way for future generations of women of any colour. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Developing Leadership Skills

To break through the glass ceiling are going to need people leading from the front, as such, women must develop strong leadership skills to lead the charge upwards.

Leadership qualities such as effective communication, decision-making and problem-solving are essential for climbing the corporate ladder and smashing through the top.

Women can seek out leadership training programs, workshops and seminars to enhance their skills in these areas. If you want to lead, then sometimes you have to lead from the front and take the initiative.

Additionally, taking on leadership roles in projects, committees and even external volunteer/community organisations can provide valuable opportunities to showcase your abilities and demonstrate your potential for higher positions to a wider audience.

Embracing Resilience and Persistence

There's no denying that overcoming the glass ceiling requires resilience and persistence in the face of relenting adversity. For anyone of colour, that won't come as a surprise as it's something that's faced every day.

Black women in particular may encounter setbacks and challenges along their career path, but it is important to remain focused and determined.

It is crucial not to let discouragement or discrimination hinder your progress. By developing a strong sense of self-belief and maintaining a positive mindset, women can persevere and continue striving for success.


"You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you." - 2 Chronicles 20:17
glass cross above a church

The glass ceiling may present formidable challenges, but I firmly believe that anyone, especially women, can break through and achieve success in the business world if they put their minds to it.

Nothing in this life happens by magic or just wishing it so.

I have spent the last 20 years working my way up. I have, at times, found myself pushed right up against the glass ceiling. On occasions, I've found it too thick in places, so I've moved until it couldn't withstand my pressure any longer and it's broken into a million pieces.

I genuinely believe that by building upon these lessons I've learned, embracing education and skills development, building strong networks and mentoring relationships, advocating for diversity and inclusion, developing leadership skills and embracing resilience and persistence, women can shatter the glass ceiling and reach the highest levels of corporate leadership. The world will be a better place for it.

It is important for organisations to recognise the immense value that diverse leadership brings and create inclusive environments that allow all individuals, regardless of their race or gender, to thrive.

Breaking through the glass ceiling is not just the responsibility of women themselves; it requires a collective effort from individuals, organisations and society as a whole.

As we continue to work towards gender and racial equality, it is essential to celebrate the achievements of black women who have shattered the glass ceiling and inspire future generations to follow in their footsteps.

By empowering and supporting black women in their professional journeys, we can create a more equitable and inclusive business world for everyone. #BelieveInSuccess


How was your journey up towards the glass ceiling? Did you break through or are you still pushing? What did you do to smash your way to the top? What advice could you give to the community to help them? Let us know in the comments below.

I appreciate this is a little different that the usual style of marketing blogs I write, but I think it's important to also address the issues that affect us all. I hope you've enjoyed it and I'd love to know what you think and your own perspectives on this fascinating topic. I look forward to hearing from you.

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